Ways to Volunteer
Conversation Volunteer
Conversation lab volunteers help Riverside participants gain English fluency and confidence through small, informal group discussions. These conversations cover everyday topics such as food, hobbies, and favorite places to visit. The labs allow participants to practice what they're learning in our ESOL program and increase their comfort speaking with English-fluent New Yorkers.
Riverside Mentors
Riverside offers two types of mentoring: Career Mentoring and General Support Mentoring. Career mentoring helps participants better understand their field of interest and tap into their mentor's expertise, resources, and networks when appropriate. General support mentoring assists participants in navigating resettlement challenges, understanding local, state, and national systems, and becoming more actively involved in their communities.
"I love volunteering at Riverside. I always get more than I give!"
Judy G., Volunteer
"We love the conversation time... it is an excellent way to improve our English."
Laura, Graduate 2017