Now is the time to support immigrants and refugees.

For forty-five years and counting, Riverside Immigrant Services & Empowerment, formerly Riverside Language Program, Inc., has helped newly arrived immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers—not only acquire critical skills to survive—but also to succeed in their new lives and careers.


Make a gift in honor of someone.

Here is what your donation to Riverside can support:


Give a Workbook

Pays for an ESOL workbook that helps students build on their class lessons and develop their reading and writing skills.


Give Emergency Support

Covers a week of food vouchers and other emergency support for our students most in need.


Give a Language Lab

Supports an hour of language lab which allows native New Yorkers to partner with our students for conversations that puts into practice the English they are learning in class.


Give Case management

Provides a full day of Case Management support so that Riverside student can access a range of social services.


Give a Laptop

Pays for one laptop for our Laptop Lending Library. Digital literacy is an important component of job readiness and general classwork. With your help, more students will be able to gain critical digital literacy skills.


Give Full Enrollment

Allows a newly arrived immigrant the opportunity to enroll at Riverside and participate in six full weeks of English classes that will help them move towards a better future.

Help unlock opportunities for immigrants and refugees.
Donate now to Riverside.*


TO make a major gift

Contact: Berta Colón

To Give from a
Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)

Connect with your DAF here

To donate by check

Payable to:
Riverside Language Program*

Mail to:
Riverside Immigrant Services & Empowerment
270 West 89th Street
New York, NY, 10024


TO DOnate Stocks, Delivery instructions are:

UBS Financial Services

DTCC 0221

Account Number: JG14315

Account Title: Riverside Language Program, Inc.

*The Riverside Language Program, Inc. has rebranded to Riverside Immigrant Services & Empowerment. However, we will continue to use Riverside Language Program, Inc. for legal, contractual, and development related purposes until our new IRS tax determination letter is issued.

Riverside Language Program is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and contributions are tax-deductible as provided by law.

Contributions will be used for the purpose(s), if any, specified by the donor. However, if in the judgment of Riverside Language Program, such purpose(s) become unnecessary, impractical or impossible to fill, Riverside Language Program may use such contributions for its general purposes.